Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Summer 2006

Suckumentary....stage 1

Hey girls...I started my suckumentary. I've been busy at work and good ol' Wallman's doesn't give time off for creative genius! Carm, didn't you just love that swatch of polyester? Too funny huh?

Okay, so there's this girl who is helping me make my movie...she's okay i guess. Younger than us, but not so little as all the rug rats at home. She got the first interview lined up...get's a guy who holds the record for the highest score on some video game at the 7-11. I don't know...could be laugh. But all good suckumentaries need a hero and he may be the one.

Keep the letters coming. Lena, thanks for the pants. I can't wait to expereince them. Hope you get everything all sorted out on your end. Good luck there.

Peace out....Tibby

If you don't find it in the index, look very carefully throughout the entire catalogue -Sears Roebuck catalogue


Sarah McIntyre said...

Tib...wear those pants girl..and send them to me! I need them desperately..

Bee FF

Sarah McIntyre said...

Hey Tibby,
How's home? Gosh I miss you all so much. South Carolina is soooooo different.


Sarah McIntyre said...

Hi everyone,

Greece is the word! I don't know how to describe what it's really like here. The pants were something...I'm not sure how to describe them either. Wish you were here

Love Lena